Audubon North Carolina Forest Decision Support Tool

I am working with Audubon North Carolina to create a Forest Decision Support Tool, with support from other members of the Enterprise GIS team at National Audubon Society.

Healthy, intentionally managed forests provide essential habitat for birds. Forest planning tools exist at the landscape level, but ornithological research often happens at the stand level, resulting in a gap between wide-scale data and actionable insights. The Audubon NC Forest Decision Support Tool fills that gap by summarizing a suite of relevant raster and vector datasets to the local watershed level. It provides data in an interactive Dashboard embedded in an Experience Builder to Audubon and its network of partners, unlocking insights that enable planners to protect the forest habitat birds need to survive into the future.

This tool is still in development.

I used the ArcPy package to conduct raster analysis locally in an ArcGIS Pro Notebook, then published my summarized layer to ArcGIS Online. From there, I used Arcade to create summaries of a suite of internally and externally hosted feature layers to the local watershed level. I created a Dashboard to show data insights in an interactive and digestible format and embedded it in an Experience Builder for improved formatting.

The image on the right shows a diagram of the data analysis pathways.


Audubon Cartography Guide


Bull Kelp Restoration Site Selection Tool